St Joe's Class of 1970 Reunion Vikings gather for 50th! (+1)

’70 Flashback : June 1969 Interview with Phil Herrick

Greetings, (No, you are NOT drafted.  I am not your Uncle Sam.) This IS our first episode of a series of podcasts rekindling our memories of 1969-1970 at St. Joseph High. The 50th Reunion Committee is already hard at work planning an unforgettable event.  (And given our age and diminishing skills…that will take some doing.) Our first Viking ’70 Flashback podcast features Student Council President Phil Herrick.

To see and hear Phil Herrick via a YouTube video click here.

To read Tom Bodle’s Viking Chronicles of 50 years ago this month…June 1969… open the attached Word Document. Our 50th High School Reunion is coming…so get ready!

-Neil McCormick