St Joe's Class of 1970 Reunion Vikings gather for 50th! (+1)

A Letter from Kevin Flynt

Wow, June 1970 seems like yesterday. The years have accumulated to 5 decades. A look back through the rear-view mirror recalls assemblies, bon fire, rallies, the Band, football, cross country state champs, P-LY is coming, moratorium debate, musical, Brothers Mike O’Grady, Ken Templin, Philip Aaron, Tim Robertson, Mrs. M and so much more. The Class of 1970 made its mark and it was a great one. We are the Greatest Class.

We graduated industrialists, doctors, lawyers, politicians, activists, entrepreneurs, teachers, economists, military veterans, police, fire, social workers. We cover the whole gambit and we were good.

Since our 40th reunion the St. Joseph Class of 1970 is remembered 10 years later as the Class that renewed the Viking legacy. We were able to raise $100,000 for a class gift. That was only the beginning. Many of our classmates have continued to give over the past 10 years. The reunion committee has again set a Class Gift Challenge but, before we unveil the 50th Reunion Class Gift challenge, a review.

In 2010 VASJ was in trouble. Enrollment was down, advancement receipts down and a grave concern that VASJ would close. It did not happen, and the Class of 1970 was the reason. Our effort and generosity inspired others and advancement receipts rose and individual donors were gifting $250,000, $100,000 and many in the 10’s of thousands. Moreover, the Class of 1969 has pledged to raise $150,000 for a Class gift. The Class of 1970 encourages them in their wonderful endeavor.

Fast forward to today and the class of 1970 has another opportunity to raise the bar, to continue to be the Class the others want to emulate.

The goal for the Class of 1970 50th Reunion is $250,000.

This won’t be our last rodeo but, times are changing as Father time moves us along.

VASJ is an anchor to this portion of Greater Cleveland and our school is doing well. A strategic plan is being implemented and a capital campaign will be rolled out soon. The Class of 1970 will lead the charge beginning December 1, 2019 and running through September 24, 2020, reunion weekend.

Don Dailey will be leading the charge on this Class Gift. It reminds me of how he and the other Viking linemen cleared a path for Bob Bobrowski. Don will be rolling out information on the Class Gift Challenge throughout the Year. Your support is crucial to continue the growth and excellence at VASJ.

God Bless you and Go Vikings,

Kevin Flynt